Even though I wrote my last post yesterday, I had been meaning to write it for nearly two
weeks. I was feeling confused, conflicted and overcome with feelings of guilt
with how to handle my son’s behavior and my emotions. My boyfriend and I know
that spanking isn't an option, which is I why I think the yelling came in as an
alternative; but when I realized my yelling was a sign of anger within me and
was clearly not working, I decided to take the time out approach.
As I mentioned in my previous post we did
the time out thing in the past, but in an attempt to not yell I made time outs
the primary form of discipline. Even though it didn't seem to work, I figured
it would eventually stick that certain behavior would result in time outs
without TV and toys. After about a week he would act out and before I could
even say “time out” he would beat me to it. “Time out Mommy”, “yes, you get
time out now”, I would say. “OK” he would reply as if it didn't really matter
to him. When he started saying “Mommy I want time out”, I felt even more
confused and frustrated and realized this method was not working either.
I decided to pick my Peaceful
Parent, Happy Kids book
up again because you know what? If spanking, yelling and time outs aren't the
answer then what is? I knew something was missing and I was willing to try
anything. As I started where I left off I felt as if something clicked. I
wasn't open to reading about how to handle MY emotions and MY behaviors when I
originally began the book, I was looking for a way to control his behavior.
I did mention in my earlier post I understood
my negative energy was having an effect on him and I needed to make changes. My
attitude, my disposition, my way of treating him and connecting with him are
essential for him to thrive as a toddler and continue into his preschool and
teenage years. As emotional as I am, my emotional IQ is practically zero because I apparently only see things
from my perspective (maybe that’s because I am a narcissistic millennial) and need to learn how to see things from
his perspective, also known as empathy.
The author discusses the need for us to have
meaningful connections with our children and try to set aside at least 15
minutes each day for “special time”; time that is spent without any
distractions doing whatever our little one wants to do. Whether it be playing
trucks, roughhousing (she mentions this a lot) or coloring, our children need
quality time with us to connect each day.
I have dealt with feelings of guilt
because he is in daycare nearly 10 hours each day. He would normally wake up at
about 7:30am and we’re out the house on our way by 8:45am. That’s a little over
an hour in the morning and the time we spent would be getting ready and me
yelling at him for fooling around when he should be brushing his teeth. His
father is normally gone by the time he wakes up so he doesn't have any time to
connect with him in the morning either. We normally get home at 7:15pm with him
going to bed at 8:30pm and when I come to think of it, we really don’t have
that much time to spend during the week so why and how could I use the little
bit of time we have to bond pushing him away and ignoring him to do housework
when all he really wants is my love and affection?
That’s what the book really comes down to.
Showing love, empathy and creating deep meaningful connections with our
children. When we ignore our children, we are passing up on an opportunity to
share a loving embrace with our child. When we focus on our cellphones and
television we show our children they are not important and when we yell and put
them in time out we make them feel shame, anger and feelings of abandonment.
When they have those feelings they only continue to act out because they feel
bad. When they feel bad they act bad. If we miss out on opportunities to
connect now, we may not be the influence we need to be for our children when
they’re faced with peer pressure when they’re older.
Wow. This book really hit me like a ton of
bricks. Now don’t get me wrong, I tell my son I love him everyday and I am
incredibly affectionate toward him. At the same time I do yell and push him off
to do other things and not give him the time he needs with me. How could I be
so selfish? I placed most of my focus making sure he was well taken care of
physically but I was completely ignoring his emotional development.
How could I
expect him to control his temper when I, as an adult, cannot set the example he
needs? How could I expect him to feel loved and secure and happy when his
emotional needs are not being met? He’s still developing and does not
understand the concept of time when I’m in a rush or my need to cook dinner in
that hour and a half we have between getting home and him going to bed. He
feels lonely, confused by my behavior and feels bad inside and THAT is why he
acts out.
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